2 friends
3 dogs
6 kids, loads of love, laughter
And 1 ditty to keep it all together
Tina has been “in business” with Tina Labadini Designs since 2007. She hand paints images for custom projects such as invites and birth announcements and then those images become part of her fun line of children’s clothing and housewares. Through the years that line has expanded with the help of many great friends and customer who bring new ideas to her studio. In 2013 Mimi Rutledge was one such friend. With two golden retrievers she was tired of stuffing her pockets with bags, treats and balls so she repurposed a small canvas bag that originally held a candle and used it to hold the dog walking items. She looped her leash through the handles while the dogs ran free in the park. Mimi realized that out of necessity she had come up with an idea that Tina could create. Tina was ready for a new idea and a partner!
After a year of product development and testing they launched the Doggy Ditty in November 2014. They love showing people how it works and hearing the “wows” when people realize the dual purpose of the bag. People immediately realize the usefulness and more often than not say, “brilliant” and “I wish I thought of that.” We’re so glad it came to be and love to share it with others!